Tentative Session Schedule

Saturday, October 5th
8:00AM-2:00PM Xiphophorus Community Outreach Workshop
2:00PM-3:30PM AQMHD Registration and Welcome
3:30PM-5:00PM SESSION 1- Metabolism and Metabolic Diseases
5:00PM-6:30PM Keynote Speaker Dr. Len Zon, Harvard University
6:30PM Welcome Reception
Sunday, October 6th
8:00AM-9:30AM SESSION 2- Reproductive Biology and Developmental Disorders
10:00AM-11:30AM SESSION 3- Toxicology and Environmental Impact
1:00PM-2:30PM SESSION 4- Regenerative Medicine
3:00PM-4:30PM SESSION 5- Technological Advancements of Aquatic Models
5:00PM-6:30PM SESSION 6- Aquatic Genomics for Disease and Disorder Discovery
6:30PM-9:30PM Poster Session 1 Lightning Talks, Poster Presentation, and Reception
Monday October 7th
8:00AM-9:30AM SESSION 7- Neurological Diseases and Development
10:00AM-11:30AM SESSION 8- Ageing
12:30PM-2:00PM Keynote Speaker TBD
2:00PM-4:00PM Trainee Grant Workshop/Discovery Through Diversity Workshop
4:00PM-5:30PM SESSION 9- Immunology and Microbiome
7:30PM-10:00PM Poster Session 2 Lightning Talks, Poster Presentation and Reception
Tuesday, October 8th
8:00AM-9:30PM SESSION 10- Cancer
2:30PM-4:00PM SESSION 11- Evolutionary Mutant Models
4:00PM-5:30PM SESSION 12- Aquatic Animal Husbandry
6:30PM-8:00PM Keynote Speaker Dr. Joachim Wittbrodt, Heidelberg University
Wednesday, October 9th
8:00AM-9:30AM SESSION 13- Endocrinology
10:00AM-12:00PM Awards, Brunch and Closing Business Meeting